Singing together at TAVS
This is the choir for complete beginners or also for seasoned choir members who want to try something different and/or serve the community. It is completely free and open to everyone and there is a free meal afterwards.
Monday evenings 6.30 to 7.30
We have sung at Cardiff library, John Lewis, The Gate, Made in Roath event, Coffee Mornings, fundraising events, Winter Wonderland and a number of various coffee mornings
Choir Mistress: Sarah Davies
When I first went to TAVS 5 years ago I was homeless myself, living in the YMCA due to addiction and mental health problems. I was in the worst time of my life but the people at TAVS were so welcoming and just there to listen and help when they could. They encouraged me to start singing again, and now just a few years later I’m living in my own flat, and conducting a choir! I can’t believe how much my life has changed for the better, and the welcome and sense of belonging there is at TAVS has helped so much. TAVS is somewhere where I can relax and be myself. It’s like being part of a loving family, where people care for and accept one another, no matter what issues people face.
Book a Performance
We don’t charge for performances (a donation for taxi fare is optional, but always appreciated).